Here are some Product Designer job opportunities in Jakarta:
  1. Product Designer at Catalyst Tech (Pengembangan perangkat lunak)
  1. Product Designer at KoinWorks (P2P lending dan investasi)
  1. Product Designer at Indepay | Setara Networks (Solusi pembayaran digital)
  1. Product Designer at Jakmall (Platform E-commerce Multibrand)
  1. Product Designer at Funding Societies | Modalku Group (Peer-to-peer lending platform)
  1. Senior Product Designer at PT Cakap Edukasi Global (Platfrom belajar online terdepan)
  1. Product Designer ( at Dealls (Aplikasi diskon)
  1. Product Designer FTW, Originals at adidas (Sportswear and accessories brand)
  1. Product Designer (UI/UX) Specialist at Alterra (Real estate development and investment firm)
Please click on the links to apply or get more information about each job.
— Studio Agency bagus portfolio dan package pricingnya
plugin figma ntuk design system
font foundry
notion to web
mail anonim
— studio agency, solo
SEO Checklist
kumpulan deck untuk pitching
glideapp, bikin app
color pallete w/ example
Web ckereeen
cognitive bias, guidance psikologi di ux design
no code web
3d render
referensi untuk opsi selain linktree
Background gradient kekinian
Rekomendasi Google Font pairing
Kursus digital marketing dari google
Kursus digital marketing dari udemy
audiogram podcast
rangkuman buku
The web-based motion design platform
Color combination
bikin shade and tint color generator
no code apps
connect telegram ke notion
automation tools
kayak loom, cleanshotX
mobbin versi lokal
screensize untuk apple devices
ux design assesment
forum design
penghargaan desin untuk app atau UI terbaik
A free resource library for product designers
play lofi autogenerator
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